Sunday, January 11, 2015


Getting old has many advantages above the aches and pains attached to aging. There's no time and effort spent on chasing for love and pleasures, the time of old age is spent on memories that exist long after youth has passed. Those memories stay and can be relived anytime you want to lay back and think.

As an artist I have the ability to relive in a visual form the well known "Good all days" it's a great pleasure to spend time and talent bringing back memories. JZ January 11, 2015

For those that remember the old watering hole in Islamorada
Papa Joe's is gone. We took a photo in 2011 when the place was vacated while we were hiding from the blazing sun under the bridge. Thought it was good to bring back some history of another day gone by  with an ink and watercolor. All patrons are imaginary memories of a once lively place of the Florida Keys.

Saturday, January 3, 2015


Trying to get a Sunset painting done before the end of the year kept me awake and able and watch the glass ball fall in Times Square and the Orange Ball Rise in Miami. I'm usually asleep before midnight, but this turn of the calendar came at a time that I was transported to the Florida Keys and I have a painting of a bunk house at Pigeon Key to show for it.

While painting , I was perplexed by peoples attraction to the big crowds and the hustle of city life. Where can they find peace or the solitude to think?

The commentary on TV was that because of security reasons those allowed into the barricaded area would not be able to leave until the ball had dropped and all had kissed, thereby being caged for many hours. So in my quiet time loving the Keys a terrible though came to mind: "are these people wearing Pampers under all those layers of clothing?" or "The strong bladders of youth!!"

I'd rather be in the Keys or the Woods, where you have no needs for Pampers or Depends and nature's call can be taken care of anywhere, anytime, no problems, no barricades. There's always a dark corner where to hide, close your eyes and dream. JZ January 3, 2015

Last Sunset of 2014 from Pigeon Key, Florida
One of Flagler's Sleeping Quarters built in the 1900's
during the construction of the railway to Key West