Monday, September 14, 2015


During the dry season water recedes in the glades exposing roots rocks and vegetation not seen all year, making the landscape unrecognizable and a weary sight to experience. While exploring the unexplored foundations of the Big Cypress National Preserve, dark clouds began to move in and a distant thunder woke up the wildlife, birds were singing gators were croaking in great expectation of some rain that would relieve the dryness and bringing back food and life to the parched land.  JZ September 14, 2015

The following photos show the two seasons at Sweetwater Strand, Big Cypress:
November, Lots of water, winter vegetation

April, No water, Spring vegetation
                        My representation of the Cypress foundation during the dry season 2015:
                                  Low and Dry - Oil on canvas 24"x20" $250.